AA North/South Virtual Special Forum about Remote Communities

NS Annoucement EN

North/South Virtual Special Forum about Remote Communities:  “Beyond Language, Culture and Geography: Sobriety Within Everybody’s Reach”

Our Special Forum on July 16, coordinated by the US/Canada General Service Office, builds on the success of the first North/South Forum held in May 15 of 2021. Three AA service structures and four countries are involved in the planning, and we welcome our friends to the south, Argentina and Chile, as partners in the project. Members of the Fellowship in each of those countries face many of the same challenges as are faced in remote areas and communities of North America in terms of connecting to other A.A. members, other groups, their Areas and A.A. as a whole. This Special Forum opens the definition of “remote” to include the challenges of not just geography (which was the focus of the May event), but also of language and of culture.
The main objective is to bring members throughout our home “zone” together for direct sharing of experience, strength and hope.

Registration and agenda information will be available on aa.org. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact the Regional Forums desk at GSO at the following email/phone: northsouthconnections@aa.org 212-870-3400

The event is finished.


Jul 16 2022


11:00 am - 7:00 pm

AA World Services

AA North Carolina Area 51