District Chairs

District Committee Member: Bob K. – dcm80@aawnc80.com

Alternate District Committee Member: Ellen W – adcm@aawnc80.com

District Secretary: Emma P.- secretaryaawnc80@gmail.com.

District CPC/PI Chair: Herb C- cpcpi80@aawnc80.com

Grapevine: Robbie K. – rbkeith3rd@yahoo.com

NCMCO Coordinator: – Doug V  douglasvanwynen@gmail.com

Corrections and Bridge the Gap: Pat Q – Corrections&btg@aawnc80.com

Web Administrator: John E.- webadministrator@aawnc80.com

To learn more about AA, have someone give a program, share information at a community meeting or other information about AA, contact: info@aawnc80.com

To mail Group Contributions for District 80, send them to

 Dist 80 Treasurer, PO Box 427, Sylva, NC 28779.


GSO: General Service Office:
Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163

Contact Member Services at (212) 870-3023 or email memberservices@aa.org.

Area 51: NCGSC Treasure
 PO Box 17271 Raleigh, NC 27619

Asheville Central Office: NCMCO 70 Woodfin Place, Suite 212, Asheville, NC 28801